- 4 January 2015

New Year, New Start

Here we are in 2015. Happy New Year Everyone! 

I still can't believe that 2014 is over, with its trials and tribulations and on the other hand, too many good things to count, and I'm grateful for them all. 

I'm really not one for resolutions in the conventional sense - they seem another way of setting yourself hurdles to fall over, which you'll feel guilty about when they're broken and too often are driven by the media's unrealistic, mostly silly template for us all. I don't want Michelle Keegan's bottom - my own is much better, rounder and frankly a more ample specimen.....

Dieting, giving up drinking, doing one random act of kindness per day are all great goals if you're truly committed to them, but going from one extreme to the other overnight simply on a whim is never a great way to start a new challenge. 

The time to make a real commitment is a personal decision, part of a much longer journey and that's never likely to apply to the whole population on the same day is it? Especially at the coldest, darkest time of the year. 

I also can't subscribe to the collective self-flagellation of breaking those resolutions - let's all boo because someone had a glass of wine, etc. 

My goals tend to be more forgiving: 

  • - I'm going to be nicer to myself
  • - I'm going to spend more time on creative pursuits (more blog posts coming your way, and possibly an e-book). In 2014 I decided to take more time for me, and I've largely done that, but often I feel guilty for not doing something productive, so this year I'm going to drop that guilt and just enjoy. 
  • - I'm going to be more forceful in stating my opinions (there's quite a lot in my theory of PCOS and hormone imbalance that the wider community don't share)

All these things are similar in that they're gradual changes - I'm not going to rush around for the next 2 days trying to do everything only to forget about it by next weekend - I'm going to ease myself into it, do a little each day and trust that if it's right for me, it will stick, and over time, just become a habit. 

So here we are - new dawn, new day, new goals to enjoy and try out, but please don't go for the fad diets, the unrealistic challenges - pick something you know you're going to love and will make you feel great about yourself. 

It's a better way forward, I promise x

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