- 3 December 2014

PCOS - The Cure Is Out There......

I know I'm going to get jumped on for that title, but I really mean what I say.

What particularly troubles me is that I'm sick of reading, hearing and being told "there is no cure for PCOS". I think it's negative, it's defeatist and actually, it's factually incorrect. 

To suggest that "there is no cure" means, literally, that there won't be one ever. We've said the same about other diseases over the years which we've solved in the last century. Let's be clear: there is a cure, we might not have found it yet, we might still be in the process of understanding the syndrome, but to give up totally is bonkers - it helps no-one, it gets us nowhere and it also condemns future generations to suffering just as much as we do, possibly more as we become ever more surrounded by chemicals and stress cocktails. 

I'd really like it if we got positive as a community. Let's find every treatment we can, invest as much as possible in research, understanding and learning, whether on a personal or a community level. We are largely alone in being so negative - think of the cancer slogans "together we'll beat breast cancer", for example. Maybe a change of approach is overdue?

For what it's worth,  I don't think we're very far from having a reliable framework for treatment. I'm writing my theory up at the moment. I know others have their own theories and that far greater minds than mine are working on the problem. 

A little belief would go a long way. Watch this space and let me know your thoughts. Please comment below!

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