- 1 February 2015

PCOS: Just One of Those Things.....?

It's become pretty obvious to me that conventional medicine has had it wrong about PCOS most of the time. The traditional piecemeal approach to fixing one tiny aspect whilst avoiding all others is been largely counter productive.

Conventional medicine is great at fixing the big things, a heart attack, a broken leg, but where a syndrome requires wider consideration they simply don't know where to start. 

PCOS is a disease which affects of a woman's well-being - emotional, physical, reproductive, even the sense of one's own self is irrevocably changed by a PCOS diagnosis. Conventional medicine doesn't know where to start. 

On seeing a patient with a wide range of symptoms - possibly what our grandparents would call a "general malaise", there's been a distinct inclination to dismiss the woman rather than looking at the symptoms holistically, treating the whole woman, putting together all the pieces of the jigsaw to get the whole picture rather than cherry-picking one or two to the detriment of the others. 

It's certainly my experience having grown up in the UK there's a whole closet full of ailments and symptoms which it's become commonplace to dismiss: 

"it's just one of those things"

I've variously heard almost all my symptoms described as "one of those things" by someone at some point. I'm thinking of weight gain (maybe you were never meant to be slim) being infertile (God's way of telling you that you didn't deserve a baby or "it wasn't meant to be"), acne (one of those things) skin tags (everyone shrugs), extreme fatigue (everyone has that right?, we just whinge more than the average person....) 

I could go on, the list is endless, and in every case, dismissing the symptoms is simply ignorant and often rude. 

So, here's a new approach. 

What if NONE of these "one of those things" is actually "one of those things"?

What if these small markers, some debilitating in their own right, let alone in combination, some life-threatening in their ability to increase the likelihood of premature death, what if these symptoms are actually small markers to the solutions we need?

I believe that's what they are. 

These symptoms are the signposts to underlying and much more serious issues. These markers can be addressed and solved in a sensible fashion, supporting the body to return to balance, and which can, intriguingly solve the deeper, more serious issues too. 

All the symptoms make up a broad canvas telling us everything we need to know in order to restore optimum health. 

That's why I'm so keen to promote hormone healing as the biggest thing we can do to address PCOS and to solve all the symptoms which concern us. Fixing the underlying endocrinosys is the surest way to gain results across the spectrum. Check out my other posts for information on how to start regaining your balance. 

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