- 23 November 2014

Meet the Acne Queen

I wanted to share some info with you today from someone else. 

As you know if you've read a few of my blog posts, I've done a whole host of trials on treatments, seeking to understand in detail why I've ended up with this syndrome and what I can can do to fix it. 

I'm hoping my experiments and research are proving useful to you and are at least sparking a little bit of debate in your own mind about what you can do to help heal your own symptoms. 

Even so, I'm aware, that I don't have ALL the symptoms - I'm not sure that any of us do. We all seem to have our own particular blend of PCOS, in my case along with adrenal fatigue, general inflammation and a whole load of additional conditions. 

One that I don't have, though, is acne, which I'm grateful for, but I know how difficult it can be for sufferers. I therefore wanted to introduce you to Stefani Ruper, who writes absolutely inspirationally about PCOS, Paleo and women's health generally, and who has had considerable success with her own acne struggles. 

Stefani was really important in my own research - her thinking has been informing my own for three or four years now and I'm really grateful for her insight, positive attitude and the springboard it gave me to do my own research and to develop my own theories. 

So, here it is. C
heck out this link for absolutely top-notch advice: http://paleoforwomen.com/category/body/acne/

Here's a link to a longer link about the condition and Stefani's discussion of it: 

While you're there, check out the wider site for info on Paleo, women's health issues and wellbeing: Paleo for Women

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